Albert's Poetry Cafe's "In a Nutshell Contest" Poetic Form:'THE GLOSA'  September 5, 2011 - September 28, 2011

Contest Completed


Blue Ribbon - Tree At My Window
Gold Star - The Sennacherib Calamity (Glosa)
Silver Star - QUEST OF LIFE


The GLOSA returns, a big favorite of mine. Hope you like it too!


There are several forms of Glosa but here is the simplest form. You take a verse from some poet you admire, preferably a quatrain. Then use his/her verse as a pattern using each line as a line in each of your four stanzas, following his/her style as closely as you can.


Tribute to O. Goldsmith

When a lovely woman stoops to folly
and finds too late that men betray.
What can cure her melancholy?
what can wash her guilt away?

Oliver Goldsmith

When a lovely woman stoops to folly
then she alone must bear the same.
She had her fling but now by golly
she finds that she has lost the game.

And finds too late that men betray.
It was her choice she took her chance
Indulged her lust with no delay
and joined him in the oldest dance.

What can cure her melancholy?
Except perhaps a new affair
another essay into folly.
Has she the courage will she dare?

What can was her guilt away?
She can pretend to innocence
What no one knows no one cay say.
Her silence is her best defense.

(My first glosa)



1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th prizes plus Albert's Special Award!


Helen Crutchett
Helen Crutchett
N.S.W., Australia


3 Contestants
3 Submissions
Created Sep 6, 2011