Word Power  June 10, 2009 - July 14, 2009

Contest Completed


First Place - Haiku Conundrum of Words
Second Place - Words
Third Place - Yesterday\'s Tomorrow
Fourth Place - Words
Fifth Place - WORDS
Honorable Mention - [writing deleted]
Honorable Mention - The life of words
Honorable Mention - If Only
Honorable Mention - The Writer is Dead
Honorable Mention - Poetry in Motion


I think that words hold a certain importance to all of us. It is the one common element among everyone who visits this site. Regardless of whether we write poetry or novels or simply lurk in the shadows and read others' works, we all hold words in high esteem. However, I think that at times we lose site of this and we forget to celebrate the almighty word. Well, here's your chance. Create a poem that celebrates the power of words. Be creative and have fun. After all, words are our paint and the pen our paintbrush. We are artists.


The satisfaction of knowing that your work is the best celebration of the power of words


Atlanta, GA


17 Contestants
24 Submissions
Created Jun 10, 2009