What Would You Change About Writerscafe?  April 7, 2009 - June 7, 2009

Reading and Deliberating


Remember the Old Cafe? 500 members and very grassroots? Remember stars and the Forums? Remember when they caught on fire? Remember the first "groups" when they were a huge thing, and remember the Meet-ups? Remember the hackers that came on and tried to crash this site? A lot of veteran, well-respected writers got chased away by trolls and posers (V still hasn't come back, if anyone sees him, tell him he's my F-ing hero).

Most importantly...remember a time before there were "block" buttons?

This site was a really awesome place to hang out, it was a home on the net for most of us. Then things got out of hand and now people are so pissed off at it that they've closed their accounts and left. This place has gone through some drama, but maybe it can be that grassroots site again.

Post your thoughts about what you think went wrong with the Cafe. Vent, spew, name names, reminisce, say what you used to love, say what you hate now. Come up with suggestions on ways we can improve this place so that people stop leaving in mass exodus.

The Prize: A better WritersCafe (it's much better than a "you're the greatest" badge).

And don't post your cheesy emo poetry up in this contest just because its a contest and you can, or maybe just maybe someone will like it, or maybe you'll convey some sort of deeper meaning through it. Serious suggestions only! Give a care would you? It's our site.


If I gave you $5 would you pitch a better WritersCafe?


The Best Ideas, Charlie are you reading this? The Best Ideas, Charlie are you reading this?


Nicole Hellene
Nicole Hellene


1 Contestant
1 Submissions
Created Apr 8, 2009

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  • Any WritersCafe.org Member can Submit
  • All types of Writing can be Submitted
  • All Genres of Writing can be Submitted
  • Each Contestant May Submit 3 Pieces of Writing
  • Writing may be submitted 4/7/2009 - 6/7/2009
  • Winners will be decided by User Votes


Nicole Hellene is solely responsible for the content of this contest, including all promised prizes. Take any promises of large monetary awards with a grain of salt. Contact Nicole Hellene if you have any further questions.