100 Words of Dialogue  June 26, 2008 - July 5, 2008

Contest Completed


Dean of Discourse - Adios (100 wd dialogue)
Champion of Conversation - Visited One Night
Chief of Chat - No time.
Director of Discussion - An Officer and a Gentleman
Campaigner of Communication - [writing deleted]
Conqueror of Chatter - Shakespeare
Superintendent of Speak - 100 Words - An Excerpt


Here�s a little writing exercise. Give me 100 words of dialogue only between two characters. No descriptions, no saids. We have to be able to distinguish your two personalities except for their language.

�Don�t use sex to distract me.�
�Changed my mind. D****t, I need you.�
�You want everything too fast. Going to wear it out.�
�Who knows how much time we have? You�re using me.�
�I�m not. But I can�t commit.�
�OK, won�t. We�re too far apart in so many ways to push this.�
�You wash my feet, read to me. Makes me feel special.�
�Because you are. But I don�t have to see you all the time. I like it this way. We don�t puncture one another�s space.�
�I�m lost.�
�No. You�re found.�


$0.00, writing skills


Jet Lag
Jet Lag
three notches too tight below the bible belt for the summer, CA


9 Contestants
9 Submissions
Created Jun 27, 2008