I wrote a poem a long time ago, a few lines of which I could remember, having lost the original, but couldn't recall the entire thing. So I rewrote it..
Yep, had a bad day.
A tribute to a wonderful friend.
A poem in a form that took a form for itself.
Inspired by the picture...
Sometimes things write themselves in my head in my second language. Yes, I use it enough that I think in both languages. Lately, I've actually been wr..
The phrase "The raindrops kissed the earth and whispered..." came from a prompt by a contest here on writer's cafe.
Chill wind numbs pain and brings forgetfullness
Yet lies can never be forgotten, once told
They fester, hideous boils that breed..
Apparently, sometimes, faith (belief in the impossible) can indeed die. This poem, however, immortalizes those emotions I felt for the man who no long..
Not the feel good kind of motherly love poetry you probably had in mind when you clicked the title. Sorry.