In case you don't see the reply to your latest review of the "unknown" palindrome - here it is:
LOL - I started with the middle word (the beginning and the end) and worked downward - but mirroring it upward as I went. So yeah... most of my palindrome's sound better in the second half than the first.... That's also because I want to leave the end with my main point and not a reflection of it (seen in the first half). I don't always do them the same way though mind you. There is another I just posted called "Mirages". I started that one with "Pictures are representations - Representations are pictures" It took a little while to come up with what middle word and (title) I should have and where I was even going with it. I showed someone some pictures or mine. They said "Oh you look so happy!" I said - Pictures are only representations... we pose well, etc." and the thought stuck in my head for a while.... So - with palindromes - it's really up to you where to start. I am still getting the hang of it myself. :)