If time could be containedor the hour-glass detained,and day wasnot the waking timeand night had not a rhyme,if life was but a frozeninstant--and deat..
Lust, one of the standards of old decreedembraced by human being’s carnal greed.
Lust which begets the Commandments sixth and tenth,
if lust..
am alone when a single star shines
as life away in loneliness declines,
one minute past, the pendulum..
A mans sin for pride and greed for fame comes at a great prize.The setting is on the Aegean Sea around the Greek city of Athens with Greek gods invol..
Greek myth story I created.
A very short, fantasy story.
When a poet writes
When a poet writes he takes a piece of himself
and idly fashiones it one day
and as his hand writes,..
No other bird can drink from that spring
No other ear,
hears to the rumble of your beat,
no other hand canfeel your bosoms,
only the drops of ta..
A Fragment of Love
I will express in brief verses,
a small but deep fragment of our love,
and this fragment is like an alone grain of sand,
in ..
What is Love?
Love, what is love?
Its an oasis of haven in the deserts of pain,
is bitter sweetness with frozen fire
that makes of pain a weeping..