A Poem by Skye
Its 1 a.m
She lies awake
Her mind tosses
along with the oceans
Wandering across
A wreckage
Of unfelt emotions
And sediments a
Of secret momen..
A Story by Skye
A short,pesonal review of Looking for Alaska, the three hundred paged book by John Green.
A Story by Skye
I was too young to feel such pain, I had decided, and too pained to call myself 'young' anymore.
A Poem by Skye
It is a poem that I wrotea few years back,about the essence of adolescence .
A Story by Skye
A friendship lost beneath the seas of time, a bond damaged by the winds of life.
A Story by Skye
I never wanted her. I wish I could erase her from my life. She is,and always will be, the girl in the mirror.
A Story by Skye
"Whatever be the reason, at the end of the day, the fact that we have the courage enough to still be standing and fighting is a reason enough to celeb..