Jacob Parrish

Jacob Parrish


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Livingston, TX
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About Me

My life itself is an open book. I have been a punk kid before, turning my back on God and being unfaithful to my friends and family, and I have also been amongst the most religious people probably in the world. I like being on a spiritual high than any other.


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Posted 18 Years Ago

Well of course I understand, but of course you understand when a person reads a poem, or anything for that matter, they search for the point where they can relate it to their own lives. You are a decent writer. I look forward to what you write next.

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Posted 18 Years Ago

Hey Cob,
just returning the courtesy of you commenting me.
I agree, this stuff is weird.
Or were you talking about my poetry?
Well.. I'll tell you.. Adderall is my muse..
I've writtin about 5 poems today already..