Christopher S. Mcloughliin

Christopher S. Mcloughliin


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Grove City, OH
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About Me

My name's Chris, I have a gorgeous girlfriend whose name is Tiffany, and a beautiful daughter named Kira. We live in a crappy apartment for now but hopefully soon we'll have a house. I enjoy writing immensely and hope to make a carreer out of it in one day. I work as a server in a steakhouse. I have a poetry book published called Tripology: Blurring the Lines of Decency, it's available at


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Posted 16 Years Ago

St Patricks Day

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Posted 17 Years Ago

If you get a moment
A Midwinter Day
A Poem by Bubo


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Posted 17 Years Ago

time to vote

The Use Your Imagination Contest

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Posted 17 Years Ago

I'm not sure how often you check this website, but I have a personal mailing list in which I directly e-mail out my work. I may just use this to load my work as a back up and just send it electronically. If you're interested, let me know.

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Posted 17 Years Ago

Thanks for reviewing 'How to Save Money When Your Mother-in-Law Kicks the Bucket', Christopher (I hope yours doesn't see the review).
it's funny how a poem like that turns everybody into comedians:
"I think that we don't begin hating our mother in laws at first, but after they get old and make an attempt to move in and take over the household is when we start to despise the old tramps."
LOL. Brilliant line. Cheers.

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Posted 17 Years Ago

Writing Contest

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Posted 17 Years Ago

Thank you for the review. It's funny that the line you mentioned about the songs on the radio is what got the story started in my head.
I'll be back to read another of yours soon, take care.

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Posted 17 Years Ago

Thanks dear for your comments and glad to have you in my little "club" as per the story..

LOL! It seems that every time someone reads the beginning to this story, it is inevitable that I receieve a confession, a truth or a plea for "you must include this one in your story..." and then they proceed to tell me about some lie or another, you wouldn't believe the stories I have collected to wrap into this.

Thanks, yours,


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Posted 17 Years Ago

Thanks dear for your comments and glad to have you in my little "club" as per the story..

LOL! It seems that every time someone reads the beginning to this story, it is inevitable that I receieve a confession, a truth or a plea for "you must include this one in your story..." and then they proceed to tell me about some lie or another, you wouldn't believe the stories I have collected to wrap into this.

Thanks, yours,


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Posted 17 Years Ago

Thank you, I wrote it some time ago............and time has passed, almost ten years since my first loss............but you never forget.Thank you.