Cliff Rhodes

Cliff Rhodes



Meridian, MS
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About Me

I am a writer of Science Fiction/ Fantasy novels, short stories, and poetry. I self publish my own books. I have plans to illustrate my work but they are still in the production stage at the moment. Pen and ink sketches are piling up in notebooks but some of them are half finished. I also have to scan them into the computer and upload them to the manuscripts. It is difficult to imagine a scene that I have written, and then draw what I see in my mind. I prefer to draw from nature. My writings are mostly from my imagination. In other words, I live in a dream world and don't write from reality, usually not writing from real experiences. On occasion, my real life experiences do transfer into my books or poetry, like feelings and emotions. I have published some of my own books and continue to write and I am presently working on three new books. I like to write about a future world that could be with us now, human relationships, and always about love. My books have some violence and some mature inuendos, but on the most part are acceptable for teens and have a generally positive outcome where good triumphs over evil.
Most of the grammatical errors and punctuation have been corrected, but I believe to live is the frenzy to create and have purposefully not spent an enormous amount of time studying English. Although I do consult the many English textbooks I have collected, feel free to point out gross negligence, if you are inclined to do so, and I promise not to call you ugly names, honest.
The photographs posted here are entirely my own or ones I have taken and then downloaded from my other web sites. I am an artist and I like to paint, draw, or create photos with themes, which I like to use with my poetry and stories. I hope you enjoy reading excerpts from my books and I will post other writings and photographs in the future. If you want to be my friend, just click to ask. You don't have to say a word. Sometimes to just be there as a friend is enough and makes me feel like I exist, nice. Thank you.



MSS II-25 photo MSSII-25.jpg
Sigma 9 Observatory and the Benghazi Incursion photo SNOBI FRONT.jpg
DBC 25 photo DBC 25.jpg
PBOMS-25 photo PBOMS-25.jpg
NPOTHAM-25 photo NPOTHAM-25.jpg
MSS-25 photo MSS-25.jpg

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Posted 14 Years Ago

Happy New Year Pictures, Images and Photos

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Posted 14 Years Ago

christmas myspace comments

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Posted 14 Years Ago

thank you for the review! I love your theory, Ed. brilliant!

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Posted 15 Years Ago

sorry I didn't get back to the poem. I have a bad habit of passing out after work and waking up just before work. You have to wonder where your life is going when you sleep, work, and don't eat half the time!

I suppose it's the desperation between class sessions. Although, life ought to be more entertaining than 'and three months later.'

Tomorrow I have a day off. I will come by, encore!




(I love trumpet solos.. they're so.. easy)

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Posted 15 Years Ago

I'm watching the horizon off this cliff..

At vespertine moments, it can be jovial.

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Posted 15 Years Ago

Thanks for your review! Now I'm just coming by to say hello and browse your work ;)

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Posted 15 Years Ago

Haha, sorry sire, you aren't insane. That piece was a spiteful 'I can be stoofid too' poem.

You better watch this whole commenting on my work business.. I might reciprocate, and you might not like it all so much then. :O

See ya,

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Posted 15 Years Ago

Thanks so much for the review!!

I am glad you were able to relate to the piece... That's what I was going for. :)


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Posted 15 Years Ago

Cliff, sorry about your name last time.

On the poem, the idea is that it is ALL propaganda. Like you said, I spewed things you already know, things that seem so darn evident we wouldn't question them. That's the point of the poem, for you to see that. Perhaps also to question it though..

Like the idea that genes are to blame for crime-prone children. Or genes for alcoholic tendencies. "We're not saying they ARE alcoholics, just that they're at a greater risk of it" .. aka, if they become alcoholics we'll blame it on that and not question it anymore. Do you know what happened here in Canada the last time we used 'suggestive' reasoning? They inaugurated a "you can't fail, you're smart" policy in the schools for the students.. Consequence was that the children believed them, and more of them started failing because of it. Now we're stuck with the in-between of a bad system, and fluctuating population... so they're looking into 'cultural' explanation for why certain minorities are failing.

Why have we stopped questioning these things? Our world is so full of nonsense, it's unbelievable.. in terms of knowledge. Take the internet for example.. It's filled with idiots (me for example) who think they know better and spew hateful remarks all over the place as if they were the authority on the subject. A video on youtube could receive a thousand comments, all deprecating it.. and not one from an actually certified film maker. And books, how much published heresay is there out there? Fahrenheit 9/11 for example.. PURELY political persuasion, most of which is misleading and inconclusive raw analysis. Of course, the general population doesn't know any better, they aren't specialized in the subject, for the most part, and the ate it up (especially the movie).

This is the danger of being specialized, and becoming inherently dependent on others for their specialty. You don't know any better, and unless something can be filtered through simple reasoning, it could be a total lie and the masses wouldn't know any better.

How's that for propaganda? And I thought that was one of my more obvious poem from the ones listed up there..

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Posted 15 Years Ago

Sorry, I meant Cliff.

Ouf. Now I feel bad (and I'm angry at this website because you can't edit.. what kind of a ludicrous system is that?)!