Clary Ingram

Clary Ingram


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About Me

Clary Ingram is a unique talent, who began her journey of writing at the age of 12. Inspired by writers such as James Baldwin, Ralph Ellison, John Singleton, Sister Souljah, Tupac Shakur … she writes with an undeniable passion to transcend her audience into a whole new world. She is compelled to write storylines that shouts to readers in a courageous voice in attempt to cultivate change. Clary encourages knowledge and self-empowerment through the realm of urban contemporary fiction. Deep and entertaining are a few words that describe her ability to create memorable characters and storylines. Her style and creativity is sure to captivate readers and bring hope to those with big dreams. Through her powerful, thought-provoking gift of writing, she hopes to inspire her readers in a positive way.

Strain by Clary Ingram coming this summer.

Strain from WorldWindInc on Vimeo.

The Last Good Girl (Revised Edition) coming this summer.


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Posted 14 Years Ago

Thanks for the review friend. :)
I have written some complex poems but I do it on purpose lol
most of the times I'm hiding something in plain sight lol :P