Claire Violet Thorpe : Writing

Cosplay! The Novel

Cosplay! The Novel

A Book by Claire Violet Thorpe

Written for NaNoWriMo 2009. Nicholas Blue Prater, a kid who has a problematic home life, is sent to a new school where he hangs out with a bunch of mi..
The Beginning

The Beginning

A Chapter by Claire Violet Thorpe

Cosplay.I had never heard of that word before, and yet it is there. A term for the words "costumed role-play," in which people dress in costume and pe..
Why Cosplay?

Why Cosplay?

A Chapter by Claire Violet Thorpe

I couldn't believe myself. In once week, I had managed to finish the manga Cherry had loaned me. And I wasn't even bored of it yet. Knowing myself, I ..
What is Cosplay?

What is Cosplay?

A Chapter by Claire Violet Thorpe

Upon my arrival at home, I tackled my homework and then raided the Internet, looking up any sites about cosplays. All I could find out about cosplays ..
Cosplay Decisions

Cosplay Decisions

A Chapter by Claire Violet Thorpe

It was Saturday and I was cleaning up the house. Not that there was much for me to do, but I didn't want Bryce, Billy, Brynn, and Bonnie to leave thei..
Cosplay Means Rebirth

Cosplay Means Rebirth

A Chapter by Claire Violet Thorpe

Little did I know that my family life would be filled with problems.The next week, I had decided that I had enough with just hanging by myself. I was ..
The Secret Library Guardians: The Seventh Secret

The Secret Library Guardians: The Seventh Secret

A Book by Claire Violet Thorpe

based on an original concept by me. a boy and a girl are pulled from their homes on a post-apocolyptical earth and sent to a strange school on an alte..


A Chapter by Claire Violet Thorpe

In the year 2187, the world population had shrunken due to a terrible illness called Putrid Atrophy, in which the disease entered the body through tic..


A Chapter by Claire Violet Thorpe

Now for the story about a girl named Elva, who was about to be taken from her home. This is the year 2257; the day is Monday, October 7 at 10:45 A.M. ..


A Chapter by Claire Violet Thorpe

Here is the story about a boy named Troy, who also was taken from his home at the same time as Elva was, on Monday, October 7, 2257 at 10:45 A.M. 70 y..

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