Cassidy Mask

Cassidy Mask


I'm losing count.

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About Me

I'm at art college in Singapore.

"...I never heard them laugh. They had,
Instead, this tic of scratching quotes in air -
like frightened mimes inside their box of style,
that first class carriage from whose bright window
I watched the suburbs of my life recede.
Exactly one year on she let me kiss her - once -
her mouth wine-chilled, my tongue a clumsy guest,
and after that the invitations dwindled.
By Christmas we were strangers. It was chance
I heard about the crash. He died at once.
Black ice and rain, they said. No news of her.

I can't remember why I didn't write.
Perhaps I thought she'd sold the flat and left."

From Black Ice and Rain: Psalms 6:6 by Michael Donaghy

all the photos used on my more recent writing (since start 2012) are my own.


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Posted 12 Years Ago

Reading your stuff makes me write stuff. But the mouse on my lap top is fucked and the only thing that works as a mouse mat with the plug in mouse is the last book you gave me, but that is where I write stuff. FIRST WORLD PROBLEMS. Also people keep coming in to try and talk to me, so I change the web page really quickly, so they probably think I'm looking at porn. Never had this problem at home when I didn't talk to my family all that much. MISS/LOVE YOU ETC XXXXXXXXXX

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Posted 12 Years Ago

Can I just have everything you write and draw tattooed on me? Or is that a little stalkerish? x

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Posted 12 Years Ago

YOU YOU YOU. what do you do to me. cannot believe the way you write, even though you've been doing it for so long.

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Posted 12 Years Ago

I love you. And hate you. You make me want to write so much. You genius you. x

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Posted 12 Years Ago

We are so in tune!! ...but then i'm s**t and you knock me dead. sorry, gotta express more love for 'Pyramids.' I can't believe the words that come out of your head sometimes. Maybe it's cause it's late and i haven't been sleeping and i'm emotional. But I'm so glad you write and that you let me (and the rest of the world on here) read it and. yeah. i love you. Miss you and I wish you were here experiencing all this new s**t with me. X

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Posted 12 Years Ago

Ach. drunken poetry is very drunken. but also posted. miss you. x

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Posted 12 Years Ago

OKAY. I has drunken poetry...which I could make into something that makes sense...maybe...I said to myself i'll post something at least once a day..not gonna happen, maybe a few times a week...YOU MUST WRITE MORE ALSO. LUVS YA LOADS XXXXXXXXXX

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Posted 12 Years Ago

hey sexy. poetry's amazing as ever xxx

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Posted 13 Years Ago

p.s. i love your profile picture with the bike <3
p.p.s. how much is it to send stuff to singapore? i was thinking of giving you a christmas present but it might have to wait until i see you next... :P xxxxxxx

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Posted 13 Years Ago

thank you for your review. you were spot on with the topic. (fair dos!)! :D I MISS YOU TOO and I love you lots too <3