I long for adventure, for flight for a journey.I long for the rush of adrenaline, fordeceleration.I dread the monotony of day to day basics.I feign fo..
I stuff my feeling in a hole.Where I bury my heart and soul.And layer the cover with wood and nails.Then put on a mask that never fails.I listen, watc..
What is religion?What is belief?Faith?Is it following a strict set of rules?Reading a certain book?Possibly, it is closing your mind to all other poss..
Sometimes, when alone, I look at thereflectionof my dull eyes; and being dull, they never really look back.Sometimes though, a flicker of light shines..
I never anticipated the effect he would have on me; on my life; on my perspective of life and everything around me. I never imagined that one person ..
I never anticipated the effect he would have on me; on my life; on my perspective of life and everything around me. I never imagined that one person ..
Life is a circus; full of fools and observers; masses of people- thier faces unfamiliar- entertained and apathetic.
Life is a moving cirlce. Round an..