Downtown Day, or night, working in downtown Los Angeles, is always an adventure. When I played a ghost, we were either on Main Street, or Broadway, i..
Escape From LA I do not remember exactly where we were, when I worked on this film, but I do remember that it was a very large set. At least 6, or 7 ..
Gang of Roses When I first got booked, on this production, casting, or my calling service, told me it was called, “Guns and Roses.” Ri..
ER My first job on, “ER,” I got booked as an EMT. Short for ambulance driver, or personnel. I thought I might be working outside, on, or..
Catch Me If You Can When films are made in America, time, and money are very important. Especially if you are shooting in an expensive place, or a re..
Virtuosity “Virtuosity was a production, I worked on, for several different days, and we shot many different scenes. I am not visible, in the f..
Frailty “Frailty,” was a film, about a man, who claimed to be called by God, to destroy evil, on earth. He brought his children with him,..
Master of Disguise “Master of Disguise,” was a film, starring Dana Carvey, from “Saturday Night Live” fame. He plays the son..
Black Sheep If memory serves, “Black Sheep,” like “Master of Disguise,” was a 3-day shoot, and I went to set, maybe twice, on..
Carnivale I do not remember the first time I worked on “Carnivale.” My friend John, who was a regular, on the show, told me, that product..