Angela Mulley : Writing

Deserted Tombs

Deserted Tombs

A Poem by Angela Mulley

The river still rolls along the embankment,and the grass still grows upon the hill.The clouds, they come and they go, changingformtoform, until they b..


A Poem by Angela Mulley

A dream hangs. Reckless,nocturnal. Sunken whispersfrom within the midst of anempty vessel. Hefollows them there, stepping throughthe canvas, and measu..
Spring Thaw

Spring Thaw

A Poem by Angela Mulley



A Poem by Angela Mulley

There he goes happily beneath the waves,With the other fish reflecting the light-From his scaly skin he swims with his might,Without blinking an eye f..
Tilting the Wheel

Tilting the Wheel

A Poem by Angela Mulley

keep goingkeep goingkeep going keep goingkeep goingkeep goingStop.Once the world was thought of as flatand while this concept no longer applies,this t..
Another Second of Freedom

Another Second of Freedom

A Poem by Angela Mulley

I know this momentwill never bejustthe same.-For me anyway. And so she turns. Spring. Like agush of wind, or asidways glance. Not quite the danceacros..
Light in an Empty Room

Light in an Empty Room

A Poem by Angela Mulley

Light beams through windows ofan empty room. Thirsty wick.It seeks her grace asanother slips through the crack.Warm onto cold. The Rain slidesto revea..


A Poem by Angela Mulley

Evenin the Sun. Evenin the skies, even in flowersand intheirdisguise. And when they are noteven,even noram I.
God's Hand

God's Hand

A Poem by Angela Mulley

His handis here, beyondspeech or gaze. Beyond nights,and beyond days, his hand is herealways.
Fly Fishing on the Freeway

Fly Fishing on the Freeway

A Poem by Angela Mulley

As if in a split second your line unfolds,with each time a little less quick than the last.But there is a start at the end of this road,it's set on th..