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Block Writer Block Writer

About Me

i am 18 years old and i recently graduated. Well, if to you recently means more than half a year ago. I admit, i am lost in this world- and it's taking longer than i thought to get a grip on my life. I love to read. Probably cuz it's an escape and alows me to sucessfully not deal with most things. I would almost always rather deal with a characters problems than my own. I don't know if i'll try to write a character story. most of my stuff isnt like that. some of it is things that have happened to me that i write to how it should of happened in an ideal world. - and by ideal world.... i mean the fantasy land that lives in my head. Other things are just really off the wall and out there. Most, if not all, doesn't rhyme or evn make sense. It just let's me... release.


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Posted 16 Years Ago

haha, it's what my aunt and cousins here have always called me.
i'm getting used to it. haha

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Posted 16 Years Ago

you sound like a hippy. ;P
love you anyways. -rease.