Jessie Lynn Pratley

Jessie Lynn Pratley


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About Me

I'm on a grand adventure to find a box of granola that isn't all filler crap.
I'm a hopeful romantic.
Writing is my thing.
Oh, and God is my love.


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Posted 14 Years Ago

You are lovable. You are worthy of love, of being loved. You are a valuable member of the family of human beings that lives on this planet right now, and you can help to make the world a better place by showing your love, to yourself and to others. Your small acts of love can help to make people feel safe, consoled, helped, cared for and about. Love grows as it is spread, and your acts of love today will be multiplied into many acts more tomorrow. Ask yourself always, "Am I contributing to the love on this planet?", and act accordingly. The love that you are will become a very special part of who you are, and what other people who come in contact with you feel about life.

Tom Walsh