chiisu : Writing

scilence is my downfall

scilence is my downfall

A Poem by chiisu

yeah i really hate being alone when it is like deafeningly quiet....


A Poem by chiisu

i am this paranoid...i dont like to be alone....that is why i love my friends -^^-
my wings burn

my wings burn

A Poem by chiisu

my wings they burn longing to fly i cannot even try the pain is too great burning wings of hell no wings of the broken and damned tears strea..
Last Day

Last Day

A Poem by chiisu

i have no clue how to explain this...
We are not going to make it

We are not going to make it

A Poem by chiisu

yeah so um just please say some nice things...
Lost Wonderland

Lost Wonderland

A Poem by chiisu

no one knows who i am


A Poem by chiisu

this is my reality
You found me

You found me

A Poem by chiisu

yep another one
she is broken

she is broken

A Poem by chiisu

bet you can't figure out who this is about...


A Poem by chiisu

yeah this is how i get out my depression i do not cut myself and it is not the same as writing...