cheryl beliveau

cheryl beliveau


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Milo, ME
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I live in Milo Maine, interested in poetry, writing, contemporary art, and spending my timewith my family.


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Posted 13 Years Ago

You are special, so act like it. You are unique, so make the most of that uniqueness.

There's something you can contribute to this moment that no one else has to offer. There is a perspective from which you can experience this day that is unlike any other.

Live your own life, and explore the unique beauty of your very own dreams, thoughts, opinions and interests.

Your greatest value comes from being who you truly are. Let your beautiful, unique, fascinating and authentic self come fully to life.

Know the true joy of being your true self. Honor and appreciate all of life by fully and authentically living the one very special life that is yours.

- by Ralph Marston