chaudhry umair : Writing

NON hhuman living primates

NON hhuman living primates

A Chapter by chaudhry umair

Gorillas and Capuchins
Animals: Similarities with Human

Animals: Similarities with Human

A Book by chaudhry umair

Similarities and dissimailarities
Global warming

Global warming

A Book by chaudhry umair

Why the end is near?
Tap water is unsafe in United States

Tap water is unsafe in United States

A Chapter by chaudhry umair

Some bitter facts
Ultrasound Screening

Ultrasound Screening

A Chapter by chaudhry umair

Importance along with benefits
Personal health Issues

Personal health Issues

A Chapter by chaudhry umair

Hoe to be healthy?
Health Initiatives

Health Initiatives

A Book by chaudhry umair

Electronic prescription: The most reliable source to provide health