Charles D. Moorer

Charles D. Moorer


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Palm Coast, FL
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Block Writer Block Writer

About Me

I am an avid reader of African American literature and African American literary criticism and theory. I write short storeis, essays, and poetry. I believe all writers and poets, literary and spoken word poets, must know all poetic and literary cannons whether they like them or not, whether they believe in them or not. No art form springs into existence out of a vacuum. They (the new traditions or art forms) have a begining and if we are to call ourselves artists by any name, we must know their history, as Ralph Ellison said in Little Man at Chechaw Station someone always knows the standard. Write well and experience the the just word; write true and write often. Respect the craft enough to know how to diverge from it.

I am currently in the process of writing my autobiography. The title is tentatively called The Block. Where I grew up in New York has had a profound affect on my life. It has taken me from being a high school dropout to a PhD in Higher Education. It has taken me from heaven to hell and from hell to heaven to somewhere in between: the real world.

I have learned that words are the clothing we dress our thoughts and ideas in. We must choose our words wisely for they tell more about us than we might think.

I would ask that when reviewing my or my brother's work, point out any errors that you see. Your honest criticism is appreciated. After all, that is why we post our work. Thank you in advance.

Most of the poetry I have posted was written by my brother James Rodney Moorer. I have added a few pieces and will add more as I am inspired. My poetry will carry my name, Charles D. Moorer. I have told him to join the website. So all the critiques of his work are appreciated. Any typos/errors are mine.

cdm - jrm


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Posted 13 Years Ago

Hello friend.. Thank your for taking the time to review my work. Its nice to know you still enjoy it ; )

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Posted 13 Years Ago


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Posted 13 Years Ago

Thanks for the wonderful review!

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Posted 13 Years Ago

i see you are keeping an 'i' on me...thanks

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Posted 14 Years Ago

i appreciate the review coupled with a history lesson - thank you for sharing

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Posted 14 Years Ago

i'm so sorry for your loss; its not easy losing a beloved pet :(
the comfort i find in that loss is knowing that my animal never wanted to see me i keep their memory alive through self care...thank you for the review and for adding me.

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Posted 14 Years Ago

oh good, a multi-visit from my pal

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Posted 14 Years Ago

someday you'll return, i hope...i do miss you...not many see

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Posted 14 Years Ago

haha love it. thanks

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Posted 14 Years Ago

Barquero is spanish for riverman.. my nickname for him:-)
Thank you Charles!!