Driving home the music is too much to handle, every instrument ringing perfectly in my ear, my ear drum vibrating out the heavy bass, the headlights ..
When I got home Annie was screaming. I heard her high pitched voice before I opened the car door. As I was walking to the front door I noticed a flas..
I wake up at five in the morning with the blankets of the couch suffocating me with my own body heat. How did I get on the couch? The living room is ..
In the house the television is colorful with dancing Latinos or Hispanics and I stand to close to the TV and I notice the thousands of pixels and I l..
In the shower I am really thinking about why soap operas are called soap operas, scrubbing my pits with soap and soap bubbles surrounding my torso, w..
At the breakfast table I take a bite out of a piece of toast and feel like I've been awake for twelve hours. I chug coffee down, and it fills me with..
At school I am sitting in my classroom behind my desk leaning back in my chair, watching students walk in slowly and the desks fill in slowly. Everyt..
School ended after several tedious, repetitive periods, all seeming to be exactly the same, all the same kids, all the same words spoken. It was all ..
“There's a lot of black people here.” I look up after I take a bite of a Big Mac and notice that Annie's racial observation is quite accu..
I pulled into his driveway slowly and saw Lucas standing outside in the dim evening with a black man. I got out of my BMW and shot a finger at them. ..