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A Poem by Kia

Rain Rain

A Poem by Kia

untitled untitled

A Poem by Kia

Broken Pieces Broken Pieces

A Poem by Kia

Drown Me Drown Me

A Poem by Kia

untitled untitled

A Poem by Kia

Our Clouds Our Clouds

A Poem by Kia

Invisible Invisible

A Poem by Kia

Life Life

A Poem by Kia

Untitled Untitled

A Poem by Kia

About Me

I am a 34 year old new freelance writer. After being in the working field since I was 16 and recently laid off I decided I would follow my true passion and write. Anywhere and everywhere I can. Paid and non paid. I love to share my work and read others. I hope I can inspire people as people have inspired me.


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Posted 15 Years Ago

Keep Going
by Ella Wheeler Wilcox

Is the goal distant, and troubled the road,
And the way long?
And heavy your load?
Then gird up your courage, and say ‘I am strong,’
And keep going.

Is the work weary, and endless the grind
And petty the pay?
Then brace up your mind
And say ‘Something better is coming my way,’
And keep doing.

Is the drink bitter life pours in your cup—
Is the taste gall?
Then smile and look up
And say ‘God is with me whatever befall,’
And keep trusting.

Is the heart heavy with hope long deferred,
And with prayers that seem vain?
Keep saying the word—
And that which you strive for you yet shall attain.
Keep praying.