About Me
I am a certified personal trainer where I have my own home based fitness business and I like to write about the biker lifestyle. I have been around motorcycles most of my life and have ridden for about 40 years. I am 50 years old and I started riding mini bikes and then dirt bikes and then finally my 85 Harley Davidson. I was in a bad motorcycle accident last October when I was forced off the road by a elderly woman who claims she didn't hear or see me coming up along side her. The bike was a total lose but I did survive with a shattered nose and broken jaw, bruised ribs and torn ligaments in my lower back and right shoulder. I will ride again its in my blood but I think instead of 2 wheels I will build a custom trike instead. I am married and have 3 kids who are the light of my life.
I write for fun and to relieve stress. I don't really have a style so to speak, I just write from my heart. I guess as I write more and more I will get better or at least I hope I do. Like I said its mostly for fun and to write down past memories.