My best friend had to go.
Feeling helpless and lost. Wishing the world would go away. Not wanting to be here. Lost in everybody's words, thoughts, and try to make her them. Cau..
Breath in the fresh air. Feel the breeze in your hair. The touch of the warm oily saddle. Hearing the prairie call your name. That sound of the horse ..
As she looks at the clear water; she feels like that is her life hopeless. Feeling not wanted, unsteady, and broken. Watching the ripples. Seeing the ..
I hinted at a breakup, but you just blew it off. Really didn't want to hurt you. It wasn't fair what I did. But I gave you hints. Even talked about it..
You all have that good girl. She is always cheerful, knows everyone. Is the most popular. Perfect family, boyfriend, perfect friends. Most say she is ..
Apparentlyyou don't need me, you don't cry yourself to sleep like I do. You don't miss me laying in your arms. No more saying I love you. I guess you ..
You can any guy you want. They are all at your feet. Waiting for the right time to ask you out. But yet you say on my own. Most girls are jelious of y..
There is always one guy in your life that you regret dumping. He still stays to talk to you. Making sure your ok when you get hurt by a guy. Always wa..
In life there should be no excuses. It is just another lame way of saying I'm to lazy, or I'm just lieing to you. So why do we use the excuses. We kno..