Compartment 114
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Chris Bighorse

Chris Bighorse


I'm new

Government Camp, OR
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About Me

I am Navajo. My tribe does not call itself that, but the schools I've been to have called us such and the name has stayed. So, to you, I am Navajo. To me, I am Chris. Hopefully, in getting to know me, we'll come to call each other 'Friend."


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Posted 13 Years Ago

I am in Portland for work. More specifically in Fairview until my audit was finished today. Guys at the plant kept talking about Government Camp and eventually I realized I'd seen that place name before . . . I hope all is well in your neck of the woods. I have decided that I am in love with the Columbia River. Driving to the coast in the morning.

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Posted 15 Years Ago

you might check out a writer called manyantlers

he's from the Ho Chunk Gra nation

while not a practised writer, his message is real

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Posted 15 Years Ago

Hey, its been an even longer while:P hows it going?

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Posted 16 Years Ago


ITs been a while:)

How have you been?

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Posted 16 Years Ago

Hey there- thank you for the review of "A Ray Of Son"- much appreciated. I think that the male gets forgotten about in the need for wanting children- all my females friends cannot understand that I actually have a need to have children- I work as a teaching assistant and am an uncle 11 times- so that gap gets filled by some amazing children.

Thank you.

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Posted 17 Years Ago

Hello friend,
Thank you for your review, I always a appreciate a constructive review� that one was awkward, you are right, and it was written in a v awkward headspace. Have taken what you said completely on board, thanks again!
xx K

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Posted 17 Years Ago

Thank you so much for your lovely review of 'An Empty Chair'. I'm so glad you liked it.

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Posted 17 Years Ago

Revised "???" but i don't know if i like it or not... Tell me what you think if you get a chance. Thanks:)

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Posted 17 Years Ago

Glad that you consider �Santa�s Revolution� a great write. It must be wonderful living in the mountains.

I�m of the opinion that as politics is about power relations in one way or another they impact on us all no matter where we live. Decisions taken at a local level are politics and temperature change for example will impact on the mountains. As for lies most ideologies distort the truth. For me personal involvement is about caring � for example about the number of civilians killed in Iraq on the basis of lies and the greed of corporate power.

Look forward to reading more of your stuff soon.

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Posted 17 Years Ago

Thanks for your review of 'Being November' glad you liked it. I will give some thought to the idea of it not being complete yet. It may well be one of those poems I return to in a few months time and revise.