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About Me

I am in the military and deploy often enough to need a hobby quite I write. Nothing too fancy about me. Married to a wonderful woman and I have 5 kids. You would think that I wouldn't find the time to write, but I do and I think I do it well enough. I am 32 years young and counting. I look forward to growing old. I think growing old will be fun. Think of all the stuff you can get away with just because you are old. Anyway...I digress. I am happily married with five knuckle heads...I mean kids...whom I love very much. My family is what gives me the will to write. Not to mention they give me the material of which to write. Without the kids, the visions of monsters I see in my stories (future and present) would not have come to light in my consciousness.

I live in the Mid-West, doesn't tell you much, I know, but you have to use your imagination. I am not comfortable with giving you my location at this point in our relationship. But in the future, if you wish to know and I haven't already hinted at it, you can always send me a message and I will think very seriously about telling you of where I hang my hat. I will say, however, that I grew up in Louisiana. I thoroughly enjoyed growing up in the South. The South, New Orleans especially, has a culture of its own, I must say. If you have never been around it and were thrust into it, you will either love it immensely and completely with all your soul or you will hate it with passion and count the seconds tick by on your watch while you wait for your transportation back to freedom but never between. If you ever get a chance to visit somewhere in the South, I would hope that you would take it.
Not all the South is the same but you will see what I mean when you venture out into the world and try new things.

I can't really think of anything else to say about me. I do look forward to hearing more from you...all of you.

-- welcome to my world --


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Posted 17 Years Ago

love you too potato head!!! lol by the way, kelseys name on here is angel in disguise! byebye