blood churning from the sight of you.A golden ticket, I once kept.Forgiven in the darkest hour,eyes flicker from the sudden light.Pushed and. pushed t..
Images of jumping, falling, dying cross her mind every moment,Wanting this constant over thinking to disappear like her self-esteem.It eats away at he..
The tears hit her pale red cheeks. "She's hoping for a change", "longing for a difference in her life" he whispers to himself. "Are you okay Hun?" he ..
I can feel myself slip into your web again,Mislead, tangled, confused.A repeated pattern of events.My shell breaking in once more.Chilled in the depth..
Cut my wrists and paint me black.Shadows resting upon her face,Giggling, laughing at the way I am.Quietly gagging on people's secrets.Yelling for just..
She's been scarred from the inside out.her heart nothing more than tissue for the usersScratcheson her skin.dripping to dye his body with anger.Lying ..
Hey, if you don't like it. I don't mind. This is what it's like.
Living but, barely surviving,last moments are always the most memorable.Whispering giants playing with my ear drums.Calling into fog...the unseekable ..
fighting for once last breath.Held against my will.the past only pushing me off a cliff.my mistakes haunting my every move I make.tears, all that come..
Last reminders fade out of life,theessence of surprise gives streams of happiness to the like-minded.A shiver of coldness running down your back.Backs..