Lori Branch

Lori Branch


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Ortonville , MI
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I love to collect books,read when I can. I work in a deli parttime. I am also trainging to be a black belt in Tung So Do! I will master it in about four years! I also love to sing. I would love to be a well known country singer someday. My favorites are the Rascal Flatts and Reba!! I like Taylor Swift too!

love Pictures, Images and Photos

love Pictures, Images and Photos

Oh Yesss Pictures, Images and Photos

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Posted 14 Years Ago

Where have you been lady??

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Posted 14 Years Ago

You are here to see the beauty, and to enjoy it. You are here to feel the love, and to delight in it all.

You are here to be aware of how magnificent it is to be aware. You are here to experience what it means to exist.

There is great enjoyment to be found it life's pleasures. There is also unique enjoyment to be found in the challenges and the difficulties, and in working your way through them.

Fully experience and enjoy the ups and downs that come from passionately following your purpose. Find real joy in an endless variety of situations, and truly know what it means to live.

The more you enjoy your own life, the more joy you have to give to all of life. Live, enjoy, and spread your magnificent joy far and wide.

-- Ralph Marston

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Posted 14 Years Ago

Welcome back! Your page is cute!)

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Posted 14 Years Ago

Hello to all! I lost the info to my other page! Welcome to this one!!