C. James Snyder : Writing

Building A House

Building A House

A Poem by C. James Snyder

This is the feature poem off my debut spoken word/poetry album "Nothing Really". Available for free at https://becomer.bandcamp.com/releases and o..
Color of Memory

Color of Memory

A Poem by C. James Snyder

Memories are never consistent.
Forest Shrine

Forest Shrine

A Poem by C. James Snyder

A walk in early spring through my favorite wood.


A Poem by C. James Snyder

A poem on a contradictory and often ironic concept.
I Bought a Candle Because I Did Not Know What Else to Do

I Bought a Candle Because I Did Not Know What Else..

A Poem by C. James Snyder

Love has infinite means of expression.


A Poem by C. James Snyder

1. The sun hung low All Spring Mist twisted Amongst wood arms And I asked If you wanted to live We drove Up Wopsononock ..
Growing Years

Growing Years

A Poem by C. James Snyder

A single Polaroid-memory from an early point in a relationship. It will be included in my forthcoming first collection of poetry.


A Poem by C. James Snyder

On the inchoate character of life, love, and sometimes our maturity in these matters.
A Murder in December

A Murder in December

A Poem by C. James Snyder

No, no one is dead here. But-- a large murder of crows has moved into the trees at my University. Are they moving for winter?


A Poem by C. James Snyder

Sad poem on a sad day that paralleled my mood.