I wrote this poem at work today. I hope you, dear reader, enjoy it because it is not my best.
I am a classics nerd (so I hope I got most of the details right) and I had a great time writing the poem.
I wrote this poem on a long car ride, and I enjoyed writing the poem, but it is very strange, so I am interested to see what you guys think.
I wrote this poem while driving through Dallas and seeing how ugly the city is. I apologize in advance to people from Dallas.
I wrote this limerick for a poetry writing class. I am satisfied with the poem, and I hope you find it funny.
I wanted to write a poem about my dog, so I came up wrote a poem focusing on my dog's many walks.
I plan to submit this piece to some contests, do you like it?
The third draft of the same poem, but now you can read it three ways!
I made an earlier poem into a triolet, enjoy!
This draft is a second draft of a modification of an earlier poem: "I Have Hobbit Feet!"