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A really bad time in my life...
My muse for poetry is back.
Thank her for coming, and taking my breath away, so that I may breathe again.
I must have tapped the window for 5 minutes, when she ran over to the window. I looked hopeful, but then she simply closed the curtains, and cracked t..
Mitchie seemed to be in deep thought, but she was looking straight into my eyes--as if searching into my soul. My sister told me when I was little tha..
My eternal Morphine.
I've found it, since yesterday.
The cold steel of a blade is all it takes to make me feel real these days.
I love it.
I love ..
The emptiness inside me was effecting the way I acted. My mom even started to notice. I no longer talked to her with affection-or, I didn't talk to an..
Everything was starting to return to normal.
I was going to college now, only community, but it's better than nothing. My scars were healing up reall..
Turning to my side.
I have these dreams a lot lately. They are so real that when I wake up I run..