Sitting here upon the roof were you first held my hand it finally dawns on me. Physically and third dimensionally you have truly left me, no amount of..
You don't look for love,Then you are just chasing a dreammanifesting it as you go,Looking and fabricating it in your desperation of the search.Love is..
Born a mechanism within a corrupt machine,A whirring cog that simply slipped from place,A pawn in the stories of others desires of fadedsuccess.She wa..
We cannot deviate from our intention,Their is no option of failure for this mission,The universe is my god and I am the universe.I'll shred this world..
A human seed sent to learn from this society,Confused and distressed by senseless tyranny,Forever maintaining a false display of clarity,Struggling to..
I fell in love with the danger the thrill and uncertainty,Seeking to stumble blindly in the dark,Energised by the fear as it surged through my veins.I..
F**k it,lets fall in love,Real love, passionate love,smack you in the face and leave you naked in the storm love.The kinda love that leaves you gaggin..
Your words haunt my mindriding on the tongues of othersbadly chosen projectionsLike farther like daughterScreaming out my resentmentperhaps she doth p..
What about those that got lost?Forgotten, or misguided?those stuck in the trap of the system.Promised that things would work,Lied to, pulled along,Ski..
Some of us cannot merely stand and watch as life pass us bywere made of a different kind of flamethat burns and pulsates brightlywe seek , wesearchand..