Berkley Conner Jr

Berkley Conner Jr


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Shady Cove, OR
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About Me

Hey there. I am a crazy 20 year old guy with plenty of angsts against everything in the world. I am slightly psychotice but most definately crazy and I love it. I was always the quiet one in the class at school. I always sat in the very back of the row kept silent and recieved decent grades. I was also voted most likely to go on a rampage and kill people at school. I really dont know why cause I am not that kind of person but it scared people and I thought that was funny. But yeah I have been fighting cancer for almost 2 years now and I write about that alot. I love to work. Snowboarding and riding dirtbikes is my life. My friends are awesome and we love to blow s**t up and shoot things. I alsol like to brew beer. So yeah curious yet? come in and read to your hearts fulfillment...


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Posted 17 Years Ago

If you get some time

Suspended somewhere
A Poem by Floating on the feathers of a dandelion