Calvin Tatsey

Calvin Tatsey


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Browning, MT
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About Me

I am the father of four and the grandfather of eight. I am an enrolled member of The Blackfeet Nation, of Montana. I have resided on the Blackfeet Indian Reservation throughout my entire life, with migrations to attend school, training, work and to experience different cultures, people and places.

I have experienced every Blackfeet ceremony, except for The Sundance; however, I have assisted with the preparations of and observed several throughout their durations.

I have worked at several occupations, e.g., cowboy, farm-worker, tree planter and thinner, logger, lifeguard, store clerk, police dispatcher, police officer, jailer, correctional officer, casino surveillance supervisor, heavy equipment operator, building constructions, chemical dependency counselor, etc.

My life-and-work experiences are vast and many; my cultural experiences are the same; my writing involves and draws from both, relating and applying to Native American issues, news and first-hand stories pertaining to culture, ceremonies, language and Native American life; some are short and some are long, but they are all interesting and entertaining.

I am an addictions counselor with a degree in Human Services (minor in Psychology) and a CDC Certificate and I have worked in the field professionally; however, my writing requires most of my time, so I am no longer in the field. I am currently in the process of enrolling-in Montana State University�s 2008 fall semester: Mass Communications, (journalism) program.

I have graduated from two Law Enforcement Academies: the Montana Law Enforcement Academy and Corrections Corporation of America.

In terminus, I am a versatile fiction writer who writes compelling stories to grab attention and connect with people, a marketing writer, a poet, and a well rounded professional. I have over thirty years of writing experience.