By the balcony of tranquility,We sat under the stars and watched;We watched the time as it passed.Like a speeding train,Rushing towards its destinatio..
I want to be your blanket And comfort you night and day. I want to be the oneThat makes your heart sway. Forget about all sorrows, Forget about the pa..
He wipes the tears the yesterday has done, And prepares for the coming of the morning. His eyes shines bright with delight,At the thought of a new beg..
Silent whispers cradle my body, As he moves closer and closer;Adoring and unforgiving. Trickles of breath,Engulfs, Molds, And hypnotizes me;Making me ..
I hang on for my dear life, As the wind tries to blow me away. I hear the sound of whispers, Echos from a distant place -"Let go",Were the only words ..
With a sudden rush of air,I was back in time.I could smell your scent,Among the bushes of flowers.Like sweet lilies,Fragrant to a fault;That smell, th..
I've liked you instantly the first time I met you.You were funny, cool, and refreshing.You could easily make me laugh which is not an easy thing to do..
You smiled your carefree smile,The one that reaches your eyes.A long time had passed,Since that smile I saw last.How happy you looked,As you laugh sil..
Outside, the scenery changesFrom one thing to the next.A constant blur of greens,Of lush flowers,And a soft breeze.In front of meYour eyes are closed,..