Carly Pratt

Carly Pratt


I'm wonderful!

Wichita, KS
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About Me

Hey! I'm 19, I have bad grammar, and I don't care what people think. Ok I care a little, but if we live life trying to please others we won't get anywhere.

P.S. if someone gets in your head, kick them out! It is your head after all. :)


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Posted 13 Years Ago

Stop creepin!

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Posted 14 Years Ago

Yes, you are ':)'. You are very much so that. Indeed, you are :)
& I know why! Don't try and say 'whatever, it's not that' because it SO TOTALLY is! :)
Anywho, I'm really bored right now. I just finished reading that book by trainwreck. You really should read it sometime, it is REALLY good. Only 12 fairly short chapters so far, so it wouldn't take you too long to catch up. I think you'd like it, we have pretty much the same taste in books..and everything else. haha.
You are sitting in front of me reading, which is a miracle! Maybe you will get done with that book before this year is over! ;) tehehe
So, last night was fun & we needta do it again soon, very soon!
I'm so excited for tomorrow! Well, pretty excited anyways..haha. Hopefully, you don't get in a bad mood because that would be sad. & hopefully, I don't get in a bad mood either because that would also be sad.
This class is getting closer and closer to being over. Only fifteen more minutes! & then I have spanish3 and you have chemistry and I get to leave you at lunch to go to playa :) Oh goodness, I love spanish class! Succcckkkkaaa!
Well, I am running out of things to put. Just remember, gum-fearing freak, that you are my best friend and ku will be amazing! We CAN do it! :) hahaha
Love you! <3
Hanny :)

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Posted 14 Years Ago

Dear freakish gum-fearing freak,
You know I do not want anything to do with dream boy anymore. That's gross and yucky and disgusting and any other adjective synonymous with gross. You are feeling very stupid right now, mainly because are. Very stupid. You are the stupidest person I know and kinda sorta maybe love. I have a lot of friends, thank you! They just aren't on here. Kaythanksbye.
You are feeling correct in the assumption I don't wanna be in this class because honestly, the truth is I don't. I'm hating it a lot a lot. I just like it when we talk about tennis stuff because it makes me happy. Very super happy. I like tennis, I like it a lot. It's kinda my favorite. & I hate you, I hate you a lot. You're not my favorite :)
Yeah, I think that's about all.
Love you, just a little kinda bit.
<3 harley

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Posted 14 Years Ago

I did go get gum. And it was delicious. :) I'm sitting in the library. :P

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Posted 14 Years Ago

Dear gum-fearing freak,
You LOVE the academic olympics. You are not feeling angry or hatred. You are feeling happy and not revengeful.
Sound familiar? ;)
<3 hammy

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Posted 14 Years Ago

I will Tell you in person.
Love- aly

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Posted 14 Years Ago

hello, my gum-fearing freak of a best friend/sister. :)
how are you today? have you been working on your next chapter anymore than in history? you probably haven't, but i sure hope you have.
kay thank you and luhh you! :)
<3 hammy

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Posted 14 Years Ago

Her real name is Charlotte, but she told him it was Carly because she didn't trust him.

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Posted 14 Years Ago

In the Secret Boy.
You don't like the name he calls her....?
Your review....?

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Posted 14 Years Ago

She will tell him her real name soon(: