About Me
I was born near Quebec Canada and grew up just outside of Lake Placid (in the heart of the Adirondacks). I lived for over seven years in Ithaca (home of Cornell U) and have been residing just outside of Raleigh NC for the last eight plus years. I work full time in the banking industry, and am a mother of a very active six year old boy. I write when I can and have a few things published so far (all short pieces and on Piker Press). I participate yearly in NaNoWriMo and Script Frenzy. So far, I have written a draft of one novel and one screen play. I need to revise these but do not have a clue on what would be the most efficient way of going about that since they are so much larger than my smaller works. The thought of the revision process overwhelms me. Any tips?
"In order to truly grow you must go through the fire, not around it."