About Me
Ello there, I'm B-Radimus Prime. But you can call me B-Radimus for short. My cousin introduced this site to me and so I joined. Ooooh, fascinating. I know, right? I'm very much lacking inspiration and motivation at this point and I'm sort of trying to force it back into my life...it isn't really working or anything, but it's better than nothing I suppose. I guess I have a little motivation left because I've been working on characters and random ideas for quite awhile now. I just never get around to writing the stories they belong in.
I love to read Fanfic. Not all Fanfic, just Linkin Park. Preferably ones with Bennoda themes. Okay, you got me. I ONLY read Bennoda fanfic. How horrible is that? My favorite author is Christopher Rice. I actually don't read books very much. I need to start doing that, but of course, I'm a master at procrastination. Is that even spelled right? I don't know, do you?
I'm hoping to write about a group of Superheroes that I've created soon on account of I've been working on them for awhile now. I want to try writing about things that I've never written about before and that would be a huge list because I sort of don't write very much at all. But that's all going to change, hopefully. And if it doesn't, I give someone permission to attack me. Although, I doubt it will do much good because my powers are great and far surpass even the strongest mutants on this earth.