Stephanie M. : Writing

Far Away

Far Away

A Story by Stephanie M.

From a child's point of view,written by a child, written for other children. From the imagination of a 6 year old.
Things I Shouldn't Say

Things I Shouldn\'t Say

A Poem by Stephanie M.

Things I shouldn't say I repeat to myself In my head Trying to focus on what's reality What's fantasy What's right What's not Flowers bloom, Th..
The Happenings

The Happenings

A Poem by Stephanie M.

Everything happens for a reason, And if nothing happens, It happened for a reason. What if things happen because you want them to happen? Becaus..


A Poem by Stephanie M.

You're not a living person if you've never made a mistake. You weren't a child if you never drank out of a juice box. You were an ignorant person if..