Katherine Wyatt : Writing

~the twin flame narratives...(con't)

~the twin flame narratives...(con't)

A Poem by Katherine Wyatt

You, the mirage of my dreamscapes ..drifting ~boundless in the soul's landscape Water for ..
the twinflame narratives ....con't

the twinflame narratives ....con't

A Poem by Katherine Wyatt

The land between the rivers, oh my ancient One Mesopotamian daydreams of a thousand midnight suns The ca..
~Fierce Ascenions

~Fierce Ascenions

A Poem by Katherine Wyatt

elucidate in textures of blood and water for my sanguine ties betrayedme at birth ..
~perception reflecions

~perception reflecions

A Poem by Katherine Wyatt

"As long as you have certain desires about how it ought to be you can't see how it is."�" Ram Dasserroneous perceptionsmankind is prone to..
~the sacred and the ascetic   -in four parts

~the sacred and the ascetic -in four parts

A Poem by Katherine Wyatt

Iechos whispers through the Himalayasin colors of browns and greenssacred caves ..with voices of their ownAum whispers from each stone...thin men with..
the twinflame narratives ....con't

the twinflame narratives ....con't

A Poem by Katherine Wyatt

..come the dawn and let the sunablaze ...burst through winter skiesblistering mornings of ice... hardened heart be cold no morethe mourning of the dov..
~Return From Individuation

~Return From Individuation

A Poem by Katherine Wyatt

In my earliest memories I envisioned your semblanceWe, being in the youth of this cycle of our present..


A Poem by Katherine Wyatt

<a href="http://photobucket.com/images/troll" target="_blank"><img src="http://i21.photobucket.com/albums/b284/Madwand/Troll.png" borde..
~Red Bird's Lies

~Red Bird's Lies

A Poem by Katherine Wyatt

All those stories you toldHow you called in an air strike for your team on the Fourth of JulyThat click you heard beneath your footTurned out to be th..
~Closure Denied

~Closure Denied

A Poem by Katherine Wyatt

the passage of time does not lessen the inquiry .......the inner and external scrutiny the self doubt that is still haunting me your sudden and r..

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