Katherine Wyatt : Writing

~my own light

~my own light

A Poem by Katherine Wyatt

When you walked into the room all the colors seemed brighter.Being with you it seemed here was nothing I could not do. Youwere a conduit allowing m..
~bone woman

~bone woman

A Poem by Katherine Wyatt

Decorated woman wearing paint on your face hair braided interwoven with beads warrior woman, curves and strength lover and chalice bearer ..
~finding my a*s

~finding my a*s

A Poem by Katherine Wyatt

I found my a*s in New Orleans taking a ballet class in Treme. The sun was setting, light streaming through the windows over a dilapidated shotgun ho..


A Poem by Katherine Wyatt

Enthralled I strung together rose petals.to place around your neck As once again we emerge from individuation to individuation carryin..
~between the veils

~between the veils

A Poem by Katherine Wyatt

I see you in soft lightfootprints next to my ownin the sands where the herons lift to flightthe sounds of the syllables of an ancient languageare ..


A Poem by Katherine Wyatt

WITHINby Katherine WyattI am the sound of the wind rustling through feathersAs the eagle soars between mountain peaksI am the space between the last b..
~skinny black woman

~skinny black woman

A Poem by Katherine Wyatt

Tall lanky black woman in a tank top and stretch pantsshe looks about my age. but somehow the years are older on heror she is younger than me, but it..
~old friends and lovers

~old friends and lovers

A Poem by Katherine Wyatt

Lover of my pen dissolve into me like the ink into the paper My words have no harsh message to deliver only your strong soft and my wanting ..
~mists and wanting

~mists and wanting

A Poem by Katherine Wyatt

There was fire on the waters as vast as our connection under a slate gray sky glazed in cloud cover as the thick summer air warmed us to glowing..
~sparkle dark

~sparkle dark

A Poem by Katherine Wyatt

That Canadian Friend that flew down to enjoy the warm weatherwas met by the sweltering heat of this old city, sitting beneath sea levelwith its gravey..