Katherine Wyatt : Writing

She That Is Life

She That Is Life

A Poem by Katherine Wyatt

Female, she who births generations She, who receives so little veneration For dedication that is unwavering She, who wo..
The Good Old Bys Network

The Good Old Bys Network

A Poem by Katherine Wyatt

Her bones had grown weary No longer any use in the query Bubba, all of twenty-five When called upon- at the doorstep arrived Overweight an..
Letting Go~

Letting Go~

A Poem by Katherine Wyatt

I am letting go of W o n d e r i n g Why you gave me no time To work up to good-bye Letting go of trying to figure ..


A Poem by Katherine Wyatt

If We etched upon the earth A circle Summoned the guardians Of the sacred four corners Beseeched the god of the hunt ..
Demon Days

Demon Days

A Poem by Katherine Wyatt

Some days my own demons decide it is time to haunt me. They hide in the shadows of my self, so I cannot find their origins or ..
In Windsor's Shadow

In Windsor\'s Shadow

A Poem by Katherine Wyatt

In Windsor’sshadow beyond the castle walls Roads twisting serpentine eternal seemed Tudor homes fastidious and proud Gardens crafted ..
To Be

To Be

A Poem by Katherine Wyatt

To be a boat across the waters When the monsoon drowns and the wind crushes To be Love In a world starving from loneliness To be as co..
Many Deaths

Many Deaths

A Poem by Katherine Wyatt

I have died many deaths in this life A passage~a chapter~comes and goes And at the close Of an era There is a death of sor..
Can't Not

Can\'t Not

A Poem by Katherine Wyatt

When I was a young girl I dreamed of the day Someone would hold my hand And Love me Because they knew I Wa..
Individuation And Unity

Individuation And Unity

A Poem by Katherine Wyatt

One Of Us Unity Hidden from sight Individuation the illusion Separateness procures the confusion The illusion Of other Back to One On..