Samantha Ledger

Samantha Ledger


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Guildford, United Kingdom
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About Me

It would be fair to say that a great deal of my work revolves around the growth of self, the sexual exploration of ones own process. How we each influence one another with out sexual deviance and delights. The natural instinct of the human race and in insufferable contempt for the male is clear and unrepentant through out and reflects itself in my art and photographic projects.

I disagree that we should live in harmony, there should be a selective clear out of murders, rapist and those that have a inclination to molest small innocent children. While I do not condemn violence I feel a manner of castration would be an appropriate actions. This does not make me a man hater - far from it, there are a great many men who deserve to be heard, deserve our respect. The challange is to know (with both men and women) who to trust and who to avoid. Trust is a hard won respect - too often denounced and used for troublsome reasons. This though concerns me, once trust has been broken it is not easily mended.

That which turns me on? Beauty in the truest form, beauty that comes from within the soul. This transfigures even the most physically unattractive being into something to behold. Ugliness of the spirit too, can be shown in the face. This is something I hold close to my heart and right and fair belief.

Having grown up in the country I detest the closed in space of the city and find the smog filled spaces unbearable. I am an avid environmentalist and believe that the Greener we become the better the world will be.


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Posted 16 Years Ago

thank you for accepting my friends request,
i look forward to reading your work, take care, ttyl, mike

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Posted 17 Years Ago

You clearly have some interesting things to say about your observations of how the world works. Consider me officially intrigued.

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Posted 17 Years Ago

I truly loved your bio. You sound so interesting. I can't wait to see some work from you. :)