Stuff in my head: biology test, terrorism, The Maze Runner by James Dashner, keeping a brain in a jar, and a faraway place in a jar...like a snowglobe..
Just a bunch of things that have happened, stuff that was reverberating around in my head, layered together into this. What I need to do, what I see a..
Thinking about when no one ever notices me, and how I don't fit in with my generation; how I want to prove myself. I'm pretty sure I'm known as the gi..
mmhmm, tis awesome. once again, bunch of crap in my head, and a nod to some Relient K lyrics and two lines from another poem, The Seeing Place. Woop ^..
I was thinking about the title being Stage Fright but I didnt think that fit, so I wikied "theatre", and found it derives from the Greek word "theatre..
You know that song by Phil Collins, off the Disney movie Tarzan? The poem doesn't really have anything to do with it, and the idea for the title poppe..
my noggin is good for the flow of words =D
(written in math class)
I don't really like this one as much, but when my best friend Savanna read it, she thought the title said "Hello Sphere" so..