A Poem by lov
the bed don`t fit anymoremy feet, coldbut it`s comfortable in a way.there are too many toothbrushes at the sink and too few people in the house.I aban..
A Poem by lov
For now, I`ll hate you.It is justified, is n`t it? You won`t say anything against it.In fact,I want to sew your mouthso that I`ll never feel lonely. I..
A Poem by lov
I don`t care.You can break the glassand tell yourself that the sharp fragments feel soft under your skin. The blood is all dried upBut your bones will..
A Poem by lov
I can`t un-love.there is always your namecarved into my wooden veins.But I am neither a firefighternor a lumberjack,It would take fire to forget.
A Poem by lov
I can comeand fill the holesof your brokenaquarium.sometimesI just wishedyou would imaginethe ocean.
A Poem by lov
I am able to say I love you,over and over,but it`s winterand you won`t be warmfor a long timeso I keep my apologiesfrozen.-lov
A Poem by lov
saviorthere was never a choice.you knew I would make things right.that I would comeand scrape you off of this filthy floorhold out the door.I was some..
A Poem by lov
you changed.you swore you wouldn`t but you did.time made it so easyfor you andI am just so deeply stuck on the clock hand.for youforgiveness is a sent..
A Poem by lov
there are wasps in my lungs,wings in my maw,and down my backout of my spine are leaping stings.I see everything a thousand timesup and downround and r..
A Poem by lov
not now, not never,I`ll ask a reflection in the mirror,is this the best I can do?Is this enough? and no, no, no, noI won`t ask younot now, not never,i..