


life imitates art

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A Poem by lov

always in a war always in a war

A Poem by lov

breaking bones breaking bones

A Poem by lov

firefighter firefighter

A Poem by lov

you are a shark you are a shark

A Poem by lov

cold cold

A Poem by lov

savior savior

A Poem by lov

change change

A Poem by lov

Figs Figs

A Poem by lov

rotten roses rotten roses

A Poem by lov

About Me

Hello world, I am a 21 year old girl and I study film and verbal communication.
In the past years I struggled with addictions and self harm.
This is sort of a legacy or a contribution to the internet. My written down words make me immortal.


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Posted 2 Months Ago

I will be back online tomorrow, Lov. Quite late, where I am. With fondness.

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Posted 6 Years Ago

Hey, my friend. I hope you had a happy new year.

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Posted 6 Years Ago

So you have a problem with squirrels? NO PROBLEM! with my new book: "squirrel talk" I can teach YOU how to speak squirrel! Now you'll be able to understand anything squirrels says for only $9.99 plus shipping and handling! The squirrel book! It can be yours today! Call 1-800-Help-Me-Speak-Squirrel!
Squirrel talk* satisfies ALL needs! #TheWorldsProblemsHaveBeenSolved #IAmASavior

*(side affects include nut craving, tail growth, chattering, and a weird urge to climb trees)