thebrokenwillow : Writing

Everything In Me

Everything In Me

A Poem by thebrokenwillow

A love poem.
The Feeling of Music

The Feeling of Music

A Poem by thebrokenwillow

This is a poem about what music does to me, when its all I can do not to explode from the emotions coursing through my veins.
I've been known

I\'ve been known

A Poem by thebrokenwillow

Inspired Denise Duhamel. It's a poem about me.


A Poem by thebrokenwillow

Poem about an abusive relationship. Inspired by W.H. Auden
Ya, thats it.

Ya, thats it.

A Poem by thebrokenwillow

a poem about love
Seize the Light

Seize the Light

A Poem by thebrokenwillow

A happy poem, one of my only, and it's not exactly a rainbow.
I am.

I am.

A Poem by thebrokenwillow

Path to self-discovery
The Dream

The Dream

A Poem by thebrokenwillow

This is based on an expirience I had once.....

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